The importance of IT User Management

IRIS ITUser Management

User Management

Are you confident that you are managing your IT system users effectively?

Do you have the right number of licences for the various pieces of software used in your business? Are you paying for licences you do not need, or do you potentially have people using unlicensed copies of software?

What about users with multiple devices? How are you keeping track of how many activations a user has available under their licence, and how many they have used?

Are you certain that only current users have access to your systems, and that any previous employees or contractors have had their access completely revoked from every aspect of your system?

Do you have an effective process for onboarding new employees or contractors into your IT systems? Or do you experience delays and costly downtime with new users waiting days or weeks for access to be granted when they join your organisation?

User management can become incredibly complex when you have multiple users requiring different levels of access to IT resources including systems, devices, applications, storage systems, networks, SaaS services and other cloud-based applications.

Managing this level of complexity in-house can be difficult unless you have a dedicated resource with the skills to effectively manage your systems and users, which is a costly solution.

Engaging a Managed IT Services provider like IRIS IT is the most efficient and effective way to manage your system users. Our team of experts can handle every aspect of your user management, ensuring compliance with your licence conditions, and protecting the integrity and security of your entire system.

When combined with our Remote Managed Monitoring service, you can rest easy knowing your IT systems are being taken care of, while you focus on what you do best. 

Contact us today for a personalised quote.
